Lenten Reflection for Thur 3/14/2013

Human Trafficking In Persons Report Map, 2009.

Human Trafficking In Persons Report Map, 2009. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Psalm am: 69
pm: 73 Jeremiah 22:13-23 Romans 8:12-27
John 6:41-51


But your eyes and your heart are set only on dishonest gain, on
shedding innocent blood and on oppression and extortion. —-Jeremiah 22:17


Hello? I said, Hello! Are you there, Johoaikim? Are you listening???
In this passage God is chastising the king of Judah for his flagrant
display of wealth acquired from the forced slave labor of those in his
kingdom and promises that, as a result, he will be thrown out of his
kingdom, be disgraced and punished with severe pain.
In fact, Johoaikim, and many others in our world today, have not
been listening to God. They continue to exploit others, using human
trafficking to store up wealth for themselves at the expense of other
people’s lives and dignity. Many of these victims are children who
suffer unspeakable acts at the hands of their oppressors. In spite of
the good example set by his father, who cared for the poor and
needy, and was blessed by God, those who choose not to listen will
eventually find themselves in Johoaikim’s shoes, abandoned and disgraced
for practicing their evil ways. Are you listening?

Karen Love
Educator, Preserver of Children’s Rights and Dignity,
Sea Life Lover, Puzzler


Lenten Reflection for Fri 3/8/2013

Right HandAuguste Rodin

Right Hand
Auguste Rodin

Psalm am: 88
pm: 91, 92 Jeremiah 11:1-8, 14-20
Romans 6:1-11 John 8:33-47

I assure you that everyone who sins is a slave of sin.        —-John 8:34

Why can’t we do what we like? According to William Barclay, those who sin are
not doing what they like, they are doing what sin likes. During the time of
Lent we are called to reflect on our priorities and activities. Are they merely habits
and indulgences offering no real enjoyment or value? Are we in control of our
desires or do they control us?
Do we truly enjoy surfing through the myriad of cable channels night after night at
the expense of more meaningful activities. Or are we slaves to the habit of watching
mindless programs that take us farther away from the freedom of a true
choice and God. Do our purchases truly provide us pleasure or are we chasing
after status or indulging our whims. Barclay says “we can allow a pleasure to take
hold of us so completely that we cannot do without it.”

Dear Lord grant us the wisdom, desire and discipline to replace those meaningless habits and indulgences with actions that will truly please and serve you as well as ourselves.

Sharon and Tom England
Together for thirty-five years